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All Diets 3
Small Diet
A collection of all famous diets, this appsummarizes and explains the principles of:The 17-Day DietThe Paleo-Caveman DietThe Atkins DietThe HCG DietThe Mayo Clinic DietThe Harvard DietThe Calories DietThe Simple DietMore diets will be added in the future, free of charge, for you.This collection of all diets is very cheap, compared to if you buythe individual diets--one by one.This app provides you:(1) A powerful Weight Tracker that lets you keep track of yourweight, your meals, and your daily journal.(2) Thousands of fresh diet articles, a unique feature that NOother diet apps have.(3) A discussion forum, open 24 hours a day.(4) A nutrition search for millions of food items.(5) Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator.(6) Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) calculator.(7) A Food Planner, which can be used as a Food Tracker.(8) And much, much more, such as food tips, exercise tips,social trends, etc.
Whole30 Diet Practice 16
Small Diet
Lose body fat quick! This app helps you trainyourself in the methods of the Whole30 Diet. The Whole30 Diet isbased on the best selling book "IT STARTS WITH FOOD" by Dallas andMelissa Hartwig. Following the rules in "IT STARTS WITH FOOD", thisapp outlines a clear, balanced, sustainable plan to change the wayyou eat forever. This app will transform your life in profound andunexpected ways.
Atkins Diet 3
Small Diet
This app is specifically about the Easy AtkinsDiet. If you want to buy all famous diets at a great discount,please search for "all diets".Diet 3: Easy Atkins Diet.Dr. Robert C. Atkins established the nutritional principles thatremain the core of the Atkins Diet. This innovative thinker workedtirelessly to help people understand how to lose body fat byimplementing these principles. With every passing year, independentresearch continues to confirm the wisdom of his ideas.Easy Atkins Diet is a mobile app that guides you on which foodsto eat, and explains why and how certain foods are good for youaccording to the Atkins principles.This app provides you:(1) A powerful Weight Tracker that lets you keep track of yourweight, your meals, and your daily journal. The Weight Trackershelps you follow the Atkins principles as closely as possible.(2) Thousands of fresh diet articles, a unique feature that NOother diet apps have.(3) A discussion forum, open 24 hours a day.(4) A nutrition search for millions of food items.(5) Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator.(6) Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) calculator.(7) A Food Planner, which can be used as a Food Tracker.(8) And much, much more, such as food tips, exercise tips,social trends, etc.
Simple Diet 5
Small Diet
This app is specifically about the SimpleDiet. If you want to buy all famous diets at a great discount,please search for "all diets".Diet 1: The Simple Diet.Samuel George Blythe will guide you to a weight loss success byteaching you two simple principles:(1) Cut down the amount of food you eat sixty percent.(2) Cut out caloric drinks altogether.The Simple Diet is a mobile app that helps you follow Blythe'sprinciples.This app provides you:(1) A powerful Weight Tracker that lets you keep track of yourweight, your meals, and your daily journal. The Weight Trackershelps you follow the Blythe's principles as closely aspossible.(2) Thousands of fresh diet articles, a unique feature that NOother diet apps have.(3) A discussion forum, open 24 hours a day.(4) A nutrition search for millions of food items.(5) Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator.(6) Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) calculator.(7) A Food Planner, which can be used as a Food Tracker.(8) And much, much more, such as food tips, exercise tips,social trends, etc.
Atkins Diet Practice 16
Small Diet
This app trains you on the rules of AtkinsDiet. Those rules are written in the bestselling book THE NEWATKINS FOR A NEW YOU by Dr. Eric C. Westman, Dr. Stephen D.Phinney, and Dr. Jeff S. Volek. Together, they cover themultitudinous research demonstrating the many health benefits ofcarbohydrate restriction. This is the best-of-breed of the lowcarbohydrate diet books to come out in the past decade. And thisapp will train you on all the rules.Here is what WebMD says about Atkins Diet:----------What You Can Eat and What You Can'tThe first part of the plan, called the induction phase, hasthese rules:No more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, mostly fromcertain vegetablesProtein and fat from poultry, fish, eggs, red meat, butter, andvegetable oilsNo pasta, bread, grains, fruit, starchy vegetables, or dairy otherthan butter, cheese, and creamNo nuts, seeds, or legumes like beansNo caffeineNo alcoholNext comes the "ongoing weight loss" stage, when you slowly addmore vegetables, and you can include seeds, nuts, legumes, berriesand other fruit, wine and other low-carb alcohol, and wholegrains.After that, to help keep the weight off, you may be able to eatmore carbs and add more foods to your diet, depending on yourbody's needs.Newer versions of the diet, including New Atkins for a New Youand the Atkins web site, emphasize making good food choices, suchas healthy fats.Level of Effort: MediumYou don't have to go to meetings or buy special foods. Butyou're probably going to have to make some big changes in yourmenus.You may notice that your breath has a distinct smell, due to theketones your body makes. Some call that smell bad; Atkins said thesmell is "not an offensive one." You may also have headaches andfeel irritable.Limitations: Cutting out food groups, especially whole grainsand dairy, really limits what you can eat. It also means your dietmay be low in certain nutrients including fiber, calcium,potassium, and magnesium.Cooking and shopping: You will need to count carbs and factorthat into whatever you're cooking at home or ordering in arestaurant. You should read food labels and use the carbohydratecounter in the book.The first phase of the diet may be challenging, since the listof foods you’re allowed to have is very limited. You may have toskip many of your favorite foods and treats.You’ll also need to keep a close eye on your weight. Changes inyour weight affect how many carbs you can have in your dailydiet.Packaged foods/meals: A variety of Atkins-branded products areavailable, but none are required.In-person meetings? No.Exercise: The Atkins plan recommends at least 30 minutes ofexercise on most days of the week.
Harvard Diet 3
Small Diet
This app is specifically about the HarvardDiet. If you want to buy all famous diets at a great discount,please search for "all diets".Diet 4: The Harvard Diet.Dr. Walter Willett, the head of the Department of Nutrition atHarvard, teams up with Mollie Katzen to write the book Eat, Drink,and Weigh Less. This book has been adopted by Harvard MedicalSchool as their guide in the Obesity Program.The Harvard Diet is a mobile app that guides you on which foodsto eat, and explains why and how certain foods are good for youaccording to the principles in the book Eat, Drink, and WeighLess.This app provides you:(1) A powerful Weight Tracker that lets you keep track of yourweight, your meals, and your daily journal. The Weight Trackershelps you follow the Harvard Diet principles as closely aspossible.(2) Thousands of fresh diet articles, a unique feature that NOother diet apps have.(3) A discussion forum, open 24 hours a day.(4) A nutrition search for millions of food items.(5) Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator.(6) Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) calculator.(7) A Food Planner, which can be used as a Food Tracker.(8) And much, much more, such as food tips, exercise tips,social trends, etc.
Wheat Belly Diet Practice 16
Small Diet
This app trains you to lose weight accordingto the rules in the best selling book WHEAT BELLY by Dr. WilliamDavis. This extraordinary book will explain how the bread in theOld Testament, the bread scattered throughout human history, eventhe bread your grandma made for the family; isn't what we areeating today as "bread." Not only is the wheat a distant geneticrelative, but industrial food processes have put it in EVERYTHING.We are not eating the backbone of the agricultural revolution. Weare eating its Frankenstein's monster. With history andself-experimentation and case histories and lots of well explainedscience, Dr. Davis lays out his experience, and his contention:that every single human will experience health improvement bygiving up modern wheat. In a fascinating chapter, he even explainswhy we find it so difficult to "live without bread." It has naturalmorphine-like qualities that makes us act like any sick anddespairing junkie!
17 Day Diet Practice 16
Small Diet
This app trains you to lose weightaccordingthe rules in the book 17 DAY DIET by Dr. Mike Moreno. Dr.Morenohas designed a diet for all occasions and all people. Hehasaddressed every contingency such as culture, holidays, family,age,gender and health. He wants to persuade the reader to haveahealthier lifestyle, to choose healthier food options andtoexercise to increase metabolism and weight loss, encouragingthebeneficial effects to overall health.Here is what WebMD says about the 17 Day Diet:----------What You Can Eat and What You Can'tThe plan relies on lean protein, antioxidant-richproduce,probiotics, and good fats. It bans sugar, processed foods,saltyfoods, and fried foods.Early on, you minimize starchy vegetables and high-sugar fruits,andcheats like alcohol are off the table entirely.As the diet progresses, though, it gradually eases up. Bytheend, you can have the occasional drink, 100-calorie snack, orcheatmeal.Because of how our metabolism changes throughout the day,youshould only eat fruit before 2 p.m., Moreno says.Level of Effort: MediumEven at its strictest, the plan gives you plenty of varietyandpersonal choice.Limitations: The diet starts off at its most restrictive --1,200calories, with a high-protein, low-fat, no-carb emphasis(includingminimizing starchy vegetables and fruits). But as usersmove throughthe cycles, more and more foods are added.Cooking and shopping: Dieters can pick and tailor theirownrecipes to fit the plan, or choose among a wide selectionofrecipes included in the book.In-person meetings: No.Exercise: Required. The book includes a 17-minuteweightliftingand cardio workout to do 6 days a week.
10-Day Detox Diet Practice 16
Small Diet
Can you actually start turning yourhealtharound in 10 days? Yes, you certainly can, according to thebestselling book "10-DAY DETOX DIET" by Dr. Mark Hyman. This appwilltrain you to lose weight quick by following the rules in thatbook.This popular and science-based plan will rid your body oftoxins --most especially sugar. Be warned: this plan goes farbeyond dietalone. It is radical and time-consuming, and most peoplewill findit a shocking change from their usual eating and livinghabits. Butif you are ready to overcome easy habits in order tolose weightand improve your health, this app is an excellent tool.This appwalks you through the plan in great detail, explaining thescienceand rationale behind each facet of it.
Flappy Halloween 32
Small Diet
This world has turned upside down. Whilethedevils, the ghosts, the walking dead, and the wicked aresummonedby the humans for rewards and treats on Halloween, themoral anddecent turkeys must run away to escape their fate as aThanksgivingdinner.Therefore, the flappy bird and flappy chicksmust flyagainst a terrifying incoming Halloween rush.
Paleo Caveman Diet 3
Small Diet
This app is specifically aboutthePaleo-Caveman Diet. If you want to buy all famous diets at agreatdiscount, please search for "all diets".Diet 6: The Paleo-Caveman Diet.Body builders and athletes have an open secret: They followthePaleo-Caveman Diet in order to get rid of body fat and toincreasemuscle mass. For hundreds of thousands of years, thePaleo-CavemanDiet has been the only true diet for the humanspecies.The Paleo-Caveman Diet is a mobile app that guides you onwhichfoods to eat, and explains why and how certain foods are goodforyou according to the principles of ourhunters-gatherersancestors.This app provides you:(1) A powerful Weight Tracker that lets you keep track ofyourweight, your meals, and your daily journal. The WeightTrackershelps you follow the Paleo-Caveman Diet principles asclosely aspossible.(2) Thousands of fresh diet articles, a unique feature thatNOother diet apps have.(3) A discussion forum, open 24 hours a day.(4) A nutrition search for millions of food items.(5) Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator.(6) Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) calculator.(7) A Food Planner, which can be used as a Food Tracker.(8) And much, much more, such as food tips, exercise tips,socialtrends, etc.
South Beach Diet Practice 16
Small Diet
This app trains you to lose weight accordingto the best selling book THE SOUTH BEACH DIET SUPERCHARGED by Dr.Arthur Agatston. The South Beach diet centers on low carb foods.Dr. Agatston contends that portion size usually takes care ofitself when low carb foods are eaten. Dr. Agatston traces theobesity epidemic in the western world to the overconsumption ofrefined carbohydrates and other foods with a high glycemic impact,and the increase in sedentary living. Easy to follow and with a lotof food options, this plan actually works!!! In two weeks, you cantotally rid of your cravings for the ooey and the gooey. The weightwill be coming off and staying off, and you will have a whole newway of eating (it's not really a diet any more) for the rest ofyour life!! You will look great, will feel wonderful.
17 Day Diet 3
Small Diet
This app is specifically about the 17-DayDiet.If you want to buy all famous diets at a great discount,pleasesearch for "all diets".Diet 8: The 17-Day Diet.Dr. Mike Moreno wrote the best seller "The 17 Day Diet:ADoctor's Plan Designed for Rapid Results".The 17-Day Diet is a mobile app that guides you on which foodstoeat, and explains why and how certain foods are good foryouaccording to the principles in Dr. Moreno's book.This app provides you:(1) A powerful Weight Tracker that lets you keep track ofyourweight, your meals, and your daily journal. The WeightTrackershelps you follow the 17-Day Diet principles as closelyaspossible.(2) Thousands of fresh diet articles, a unique feature thatNOother diet apps have.(3) A discussion forum, open 24 hours a day.(4) A nutrition search for millions of food items.(5) Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator.(6) Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) calculator.(7) A Food Planner, which can be used as a Food Tracker.(8) And much, much more, such as food tips, exercise tips,socialtrends, etc.
Flappy Christmas 32
Small Diet
This world has turned upside down. Whilepeopleare celebrating Christmas with Santa Claus, nutcrackers,snowman,reindeer, and other Christmas characters, the moral anddecentturkeys must run away to escape their fate as aChristmasdinner.Therefore, the flappy bird and flappy chicks mustflyagainst a terrifying incoming Christmas rush.